Monday, August 6, 2012

Sometimes blogging is difficult

Hello my dear readers.

Yesterday I returned home from a 2 week trip, that's why non of your comments where accepted but I'll be working on it soon.

While being away I got the time to think about my blog, and I just don't feel good about it. 
It is too shallow-brained, too happy and bright, and this totally does not shoot me. I am not a happy stupid dumb blond, actually I don't feel happy most of the time at all. But somehow I can't seem to translate my emotions to my blog.

When I first started blogging everything seemed so easy, okay getting viewers is more difficult than I expected but with a lot of patience this too will work out. 
The real trick is to find your own unique style and translate this too your blog. Sometimes I come across blogs that have a great feeling, and mostly the bloggers are unhappy because they only have about a hundred readers, and I just want to scream "stay true to yourself your blog is great! readers will come eventually".

My own difficulty with blogging is to be satisfied with my work, I never like what I do and that's why I change my style to mimic other blogs I love. But it just isn't me...



  1. This is a brilliant post because it's real and honest. The first few weeks of my blog, I tried to emulate what I saw others do. It wasn't until I stepped away for a bit and shifted my focus that it clicked.

    Now I feel like the content and images are MY voice. Once I started writing from an honest place, SLOWLY my readership needle started moving...

    You're right. You can't focus on the audience count... just gotta keep doing what feels real (like your post today!).

    Quiet Luxury

  2. anna thank you so much for your comment.
    maybe you like other outfits in the blog like this:

    and want to follow me

  3. Coming from a blogger who's just starting to get more viewers, I completeky understand! It's hard to blog and not copy other bloggers. But it's so much better to stay true to yourself and have ppl like your own original work!

  4. Oiiiee Ana tudo bem?
    Realmente bloggar é muito louco né? A gente dá nosso melhor,faz parcerias,sorteios e nunca estamos 100% satisfeitos né... Eu tb me sinto assim as vezes ... tem dia que parece que nada ficou bom... Mas ai vem o carinho dos leitores e nos mostra que estamos fazendo bem feito.
    Quero te agradecer pelo seu carinho no meu blog e dizer que fico muito feliz quando vocês comentam... Bjão ♥

    Fora isso está rolando um sorteio. SE ainda não está participando participa ok. Bjão ♥

  5. I struggle with something similar. I think it's all too easy to be skimming your blogroll, see all the fluff pieces, the happy, upbeat things, and start to believe that that's what your blog "should" look like. Blogging about fashion and fluff and cheer is easy, and fun to read, but is that me? Absolutely not. And maybe my own decision isn't the popular one, but I HAVE to blog about the hard stuff. The anxiety, sadness, struggles. Otherwise I'm just not speaking my truth.

  6. You have to blog for yourself and not for other's, just blog about things you love and everything will be easy :)


  7. This is a great post!
    I feel exactly the same sometimes! I read so many blogs and very often Ifind myself thinking' maybe I should look like that, or like that!
    It's good to be inspired by other people but in the end you have to follow your own voice.
    I kind of see it as a learning process: by posting on your blog and reading other blogs you learn more about yourself, about who you are and what you stand for!

    XoXo Nathalie

  8. It's hard to be a successful fashion blogger and be yourself. But I think you're doing OK. :)


  9. hele gave collage! en ik vind jou blog wel uniek hoor !! heb nog geen blogs gezien die op die van jou lijken :)


  10. I compeltely understand it is hard to figure out ow to show the real you through the requests!! U started 2 months ago and it is so difficult to get atention! Could you please consider following each other?
    Twitter: @shineonbyandrea Instagram: Shineonbyandrea

  11. Het is altijd moeilijk om je eigen stijl te ontdekken, dat is eigenlijk met alles wel zo. Het is moeilijk om origineel te blijven, met zo veel blogs die al bestaan. Wat ik zo leuk vind aan jouw blog is dat je heel eerlijk over dingen schrijft, ik vind het helemaal niet oppervlakkig wat vaak het dodelijke is bij andere blogs. Het is natuurlijk ook veel leuker om waardering te krijgen voor iets wat jij helemaal zelf bedacht hebt, dan iets wat je van een andere blog hebt gekopieerd ;) Ik vind dat je echt een super leuke blog hebt, en ik ben heel erg benieuwd naar al je komende artikelen!

    En nog even terug over de modefabriek, het was ook mijn aller eerste event als blogger, dus ik was ook nog best verlegen tegenover de rest. Het was ook zo awkard dat mensen dan steeds om je visitekaartje vragen en die had ik dan helemaal niet :p Maar als ik je op een volgend event zie, zal ik even gedag komen zeggen :D

  12. Great selection of photos! Wanna follow each other?

  13. Anna -
    Oh my, the feeling is so close to me. I am never completely satisfied with what I do on my blog - everything seems to be not good enough, not innovative enough, or just simply not enough.

    As a viewer of your blog I applaud you for being honest with your readers and telling them that you are keen to find your blogging self. It's ok not to be sure what you want or how you want it.

    For one reason or another, I am sure you will find what you are looking for.

    And finally - love the selection of images you have here. You have great taste!


  14. Preciosas fotos.Gracias por pasarte,mañana nueva entrada.Besos.

  15. I really appreciate the honesty, and I think you'll figure it out:)

  16. What a beautiful collage ♥
    And I love the text. Pretty inspirational for me :) x

  17. Beautiful work indeed!!! I love it!!! xxx

  18. Ah, zo'n leuke collage!

    Liefs, xox

  19. Beautiful itemse! You have a great blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin’? I promise I’ll follow you back! Have a nice day<3

  20. Be happy. I blog not for others but for myself. I am appreciative if people followed my blog because they really want to and not just because they want a follow back. Just be yourself. Everything will fall into place. =)

  21. I love this collage!
    Let me know if you want to follow eachother (:


  22. The collage is great firstly and really you blog is great, share your emotions with your fellow bloggers, we are human beings too, we are not always happy and I believe nobody live in barbie's pink cloud or mansion here.
    Stay true to you and think of fellow bloggers as friends from every angle of the World, far and near.
